
Rest assured everything you give goes to this project for God's kingdom: whether that is a 1p widow's mite, or the 99p that a usual download costs, maybe several pounds, several hundreds or thousands of pounds or even the total amount needed to build the ARC. Every single penny that you give, every single penny that is raised through streaming and every single penny raised through merchandise sales will go straight to the J10 Talents Challenge DEVELOPMENT fund (a restricted fund that can only be used for the building) - whether you give via the PayPal Donate button or decide to make a bank transfer or standing order.

person showing both hands with make a change note and coins
person showing both hands with make a change note and coins

Our Hopes

We would love our community of friends and followers to feel part of the journey and to be partnering with us.  Three is a significant number (Trinity of Father Son and Holy Spirit) so we thought it would be fun to set our hopes on some '3' milestones

  • Our first target is to see whether we can get 33 donations and  raise over £33 within the first 3 days of the RELAX single being released

  • Our second target is to raise £333 in the first three months

  • Our third target is £3,333 within the first nine (3x3) months

  • We would be amazed if with your help we could raise £33,333 or £333,333 or even
    £3.3 million.

If you are a UK taxpayer please make your donation go even further using the Gift Aid button

Paypal Donate secure online payment

If you prefer to donate by bank transfer or regular standing order, please use the following details:
Bank Transfer / Standing Order
Account Name: The Church At Junction 10
Sort Code: 40-45-19
Account Number: 23665720
Reference: GOODWILL




01922 474436

Office Address

The church at Junction 10
c/o Anochrome, Reservoir Place
Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 9RZ

Worship Service

Sunday 10:30
Grace Academy Darlaston
Herberts Park Road
Wednesbury, WS10 8QJ